Wednesday, June 3, 2009

A Sad Day for the USA

This post from my dad's personal blog has brought to mind the need that our nation has. We need to be increasingly praying each day for the Lord to work in this country and in the hearts of our president and all others in governmental positions. Please take time to read this article and pray along with my family and other Christians around the globe, that we would see a revival in the hearts of our fellow Americans.

Keep praying,


Margaret Dashwood said...

Oh my, how sad. I will be praying...I must confess, lately I haven't been praying for America like I should...

Thank you for posting that, it really opened my eyes.:)


Jason Hunsicker said...

Yeah, I heard about this yesterday. Very sad. We will definitely need to continue to pray for our country!

Elizabeth J. said...

How far away from God we have come!! I will certainly pray about this and all the issues that have taken America by storm