Sunday, March 1, 2009

My New Toy

If I've talked to you anytime the past couple months, I've probably mentioned the fact that I'm looking around at professional SLR cameras. Well, yesterday my family and I went out to dinner (an amazing treat, by the way - someone gave us gift certificates and we were ecstatic!) in Niles which is a city that has about every store imaginable. :) We weren't planning on going shopping, but Dad asked if I was ready to buy a camera. Even though it was spur-of-the-moment, I'd already done my research and so I was pretty confidant (and excited). "Let's do this," I thought. :) We went to Best Buy and low and behold, there was the camera of my dreams: the new Nikon D90, hot off the manufacturer's line! However, this particular camera was quite a bit more money than I had seen in my research and I didn't really want to part with that much, so I down graded just slightly and got their previous model. What a beaut! I was literally screaming and hyperventilating in the car; I've waited soooo long for this day to come! Hooray!
They should have my baby in the store tomorrow, so Dad's going to be a dear and pick it up for me while I'm working at the library and taking my drivers' ed classes in the evening. When I come home, it'll be waiting for me on my bed. (I don't think it knows what it's getting into...) :)
Well, I hope you all are well and looking forward to spring as much as I am! Have a great evening! -AG


Margaret Dashwood said...

Awww, I love those cameras!!! One of our friends has that kind and it's great! Enjoy taking pictures with it!!;)

Margaret Dashwood said...
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Anonymous said...

That is really neat!
I really want a professional camera sometime too. How much did it cost?

thomasg said...

Amazing ash,
I didn't think about that nikon :) you will be snapping amazing images!!! Well, more amazing images!


Jason Hunsicker said...

That's awesome Ash! It's beautiful. I've been thinking about getting a new camera. This one is good huh? Maybe I'll get one too...