Thursday, March 19, 2009

Yesterday my alarm went off and I peered my eyes open, looking out the window; I was shocked to see pure white! It's been in the high 50s for a few days, so I knew that it was impossible that it was snow. After sitting up, I realized it was fog, and it was gorgeous. I waited 3 seconds, just staring, before I realized I had to get out there and start taking pictures before it was gone forever. I got dressed in 15 seconds and stepped outside, encased in cloud, the cool air hitting my "still warm from sleep" skin. I can't even tell you how amazing it was to be out there, all by myself,
no one else at all. There was a little bit of frost that crunched underneath my boots, the doves were mourning, and, walking through the woods and the field, I could hear all of the animals scurrying around, waking up slowly too. I saw spiders' webs, trees shrouded in coffins of seeping fog, and birds, calling from their places in the unfolding drama. My eyes cannot do the Lord justice in his creation, at all. What amazing things He gives us, something new each and every day. What did He do for you today? Just something to think about. :)
Hope you all have a great evening.


Melanie said...

Oh, that's beautiful, Ashley. The pictures are gorgeous, and your words are like photos too-- with the addition of "feeling" and "hearing" too. :-)

Margaret Dashwood said...

Those are absolutely BEAUTIFUL pictures, Ashley! Praise God for His creations, they are all so beautiful. :)
Miss you!

Leah said...

WOW! What beautiful pictures. I LOVE the fog...

Amanda said...

What lovely pictures!