Tuesday, January 13, 2009

At this moment...

Hello out there! I know I've been kind of slow with my blog, but I'm still debating whether to switch to wordpress or keep blogspot, etc. so I'm sorry - I'll do better! Well, I thought I'd better get started - here goes!
So here's my normal day (not the most exciting first post, I know, but I have to start somewhere - hehe) ...get out of bed 15 minutes before we have devotions, school until 12:00, speed-eating my lunch (I excel at this sport), rush to the library, work for 4 hours, come home wanting to crash but still having homework, and finally falling into bed, exhausted. Even in the midst of my joyous craziness (is that an oxymoron?), I thank the Lord for His mercy to me - He still gives me strength everyday. Remember, even if you feel you're falling down a cliff, he's still there, every second of every step you take.

Before I go, here is one of my favorite passages in the Bible:

Psalm 63:3-4
"Because Your lovingkindness is better than life,
My lips will praise You.
So I will bless You as long as I live:
I will lift up my hands in Your name."

I pray that this would be the characteristic of my life (not just the psalmist's); glorifying my Lord in everything that I do. I hope those verses were an encouragement!
Hope the rest of your day is superb!

P.S. I'm doing this on my computer and don't really have any of my pictures on here, so I'll have to compose my next post on Dad's computer so that I can include some pics. :)


Anonymous said...

Hi! I think you should keep Blog Spot.
I look forward to seeing pictures!
Hannah J. Ring

Melanie said...

Yes, definitely Blogspot! :-)

Dad Greenfield said...

Hey Ash, welcome to the blogging world! I'm looking forward to what you've got to say and show us.

As far as which blog hosting service to use, you already know my conviction regarding that: WordPress, hands down. Waaaay, more flexibility, etc etc etc.

But it sounds like I'm outnumbered already, so I'll keep my secret blogger blog to help you figure out the quirks it has [heh heh]
Love, Dad

Jason Hunsicker said...

Well, I just joined Blogspot so I could write on here, so I hope you keep Blogspot! Sorry Pastor...

I look forward to reading your posts, and seeing your pictures!